Saturday 21 January 2012

Why Effective Communication Is Important To Me

"Communication - the human connection - is the key to personal and career success.”

Paul J. Meyer

My personal understanding of communication is that it is a transfer of signals, ideas and emotions, and the understanding of their meaning. As a student, my fellow course mates and my family are my primary sources of social interaction. The communication within such a group serves as the fundamental mechanism by which my friends and I share our frustrations, feelings of satisfaction and other thoughts. Thus, communication also provides a release for emotional expression and fulfillment of our social needs. It is not surprising then, that my achievements and happiness often stem from benefitting from such tightly knitted communication circles.

 Best friends are always around with a smile
My Happy Family
On the other hand, a lack of effective communication often gives rise to misunderstandings, unhealthy emotional expressions before spiraling further to unhappy endings.
 From a professional viewpoint, I feel that communication is pivotal in day-to-day interactions at the office. A manager cannot make an informed decision without adequate information, which has to be effectively communicated to him either by his team or an external source. Once the manager makes a decision, he again has to communicate this new direction to his team to inform them of that change. It is indubitable, that the best ideas, and an efficient working environment cannot take shape without effective communication.

 Soldiers need a leader who can effectively communicate instructions in order to be an effective unit
If knowledge were to be the light that gives us direction, effective communication can be said to be the muscle fiber in our body that propels us towards it. As a freshman, I could not have taken a better module that not only imparts skills to improve my communication acumen, but also widen my social circle. I strongly believe that with the many skills I am going to learn in this course will put me in good stead for my future projects in NUS, my career, and add more flavor to my personal life.